Static Sites

Serve static web content (React, Vue, etc.) over a global CDN.

Deploying a static site on Render is fast and free: link your site’s GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repo, and Render automatically updates your site with every push to your specified branch.

Static sites are served over a global CDN with fully managed TLS certificates. They’re great for marketing pages, blogs, and documentation sites (like this one 😎).

Static sites count against your monthly included allotments of outbound bandwidth and pipeline minutes. View your usage in the Render Dashboard.

Get started

In the Render Dashboard, click New > Static Site:

Selecting Static Site from the New menu

Connect your repo, specify your build details (including which Git branch to deploy), and click Create Static Site. You’re all set! Render kicks off your site’s initial deploy.

For extra help with popular static site generators, we have quickstarts for:


Global CDN

Render serves your site over a blazing-fast, reliable, and secure global CDN. We cache your content on network edges around the world, ensuring the fastest possible load times for your users.

Pull request previews

With each pull request to your site’s deployed branch, Render can automatically generate a preview instance of the site with its own URL. This helps you quickly test out updates before merging.

Learn more about PR previews.

Redirects and rewrites

Define redirect and rewrite rules for your site’s paths directly from the Render Dashboard—no code required.

Additionally, Render automatically redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS.

Custom response headers

Add custom HTTP headers to your site’s responses for security and performance.

Immediate cache invalidation

Render insulates your site against failure with zero-downtime deploys. We build your site with every push to your deployed branch, and each build is fully atomic. As soon as a build succeeds, we deploy it and immediately invalidate our CDN caches so your users always see the latest working version of your site.

DDoS protection

Render provides free denial-of-service protection to all static sites and web services. Learn more.

Brotli compression

Render serves your content with Brotli compression, which is better than gzip and makes your sites faster by reducing page sizes.


All Render sites and web services support HTTP/2 by default, which means fewer client connections to your site and faster page loads.

Managed TLS certificates

Render uses Let’s Encrypt and Google Trust Services to automatically issue and renew TLS certificates for every site and service. There is no additional setup, and TLS certificates are always included for free.

Custom domains

Add custom domains to your static site for free (up to 25 domains per site). Specify the domain on your site’s Settings page in the Render Dashboard, then follow the instructions to update DNS with your provider:

Dependency installation

By default, Render automatically attempts to detect and install your static site’s dependencies. If you prefer to install dependencies manually, add a SKIP_INSTALL_DEPS environment variable to your site and set it to true. You can then include your own dependency installation as part of your site’s build command.