Static Site Redirects and Rewrites

You can add redirect and rewrite rules to static sites in the Render Dashboard:

Setting redirect and rewrite rules in the Render Dashboard

These two rules are used by this very documentation site!

When the path of an incoming request matches a rule’s Source, Render automatically redirects or rewrites the request to the corresponding Destination. For details, see Rule matching and ordering.

You can’t apply redirect/rewrite rules to your domain root. Each Source requires at least one URL path component (such as /blog, or even /).

Which action to use?

Set each rule’s Action to Redirect or Rewrite according to your needs:



Instructs the browser (or any other client) to switch URLs to the rule’s destination via a 301 Moved Permanently response code.

Create a redirect rule if you’re moving an existing resource from one path to another (for example, if you move your site’s documentation content from /documentation to /docs).


Does not redirect the browser. Instead, your site serves the content from the rule’s destination at the original path. The browser can’t detect that content was served from a different path or URL.

Create a rewrite rule if:

  • You want to serve the same content from multiple paths.
  • Your static site uses a framework with client-side routing (such as react-router or Vue Router), and you’ll handle all requests from a single path like /index.html.

Rule matching and ordering

Render does not apply redirect or rewrite rules to a path if a resource exists at that path. Instead, Render simply serves the resource at that path. This protects against overwriting valid paths with a rule, especially when using wildcards.

Here’s what the full path-matching process looks like:

Incoming request
to path /abc
Does a resource exist
at /abc?
Serve that
Does /abc match any
redirect or rewrite rule?
Apply the first
matching rule
(starting from the
top of the list)
404 Not Found

If this process results in a redirect to another site path, the process repeats with the new path.

Rule syntax

  • Source must be a path (not a full URL). This is matched against the path of the incoming request.
  • Destination can be either a path or a full, publicly accessible URL.

Basic examples



Use a wildcard (*) to match arbitrary strings in a path.

  • In Source, * matches any string that appears starting at that position in the path.
    • Specify /* to match all paths.
  • In Destination, * applies the entire string captured by the wildcard in Source.
SourceDestinationExample Effect
/*/index.htmlAll requests → /index.html


Use placeholders to include specific path components from Source in Destination:

SourceDestinationExample Effect