Native Runtimes

Render services provide native runtimes that enable you to build and deploy your application using common language environments.

Render’s native runtimes include:

  • Automated builds and deploys for supported languages in both public and private Git repositories
  • Infrastructure as Code support with render.yaml
  • Regular updates to native runtimes to improve functionality, security, and performance

All native runtimes come with standard Render features like:

Available Runtimes

Render provides native runtimes for Node.js / Bun, Python, Ruby, Go, Rust, and Elixir.

For details, see Supported Languages.

Changing a service’s runtime

If you’ve recently created a service with an incorrect runtime, the fastest fix is usually to create a new service with the correct runtime.

You can also change an existing service’s runtime in any of the following ways:

  • Make an HTTP call to the Render API’s Update service endpoint.
    • Specify a new runtime via the serviceDetails parameter you provide in your request.
  • If you’re managing your service with Render Blueprints, update the service’s runtime field in your render.yaml file, then sync your Blueprint.

Tools and utilities

The tools and utilities listed below are available for native builds and deploys.

If your build requires a tool that isn’t listed below, you can deploy with Docker instead of building natively.


  • bun
  • curl
  • ffmpeg
  • g++
  • gcc
  • gettext
  • git
  • gnupg2
  • jq
  • libvips-dev
  • libvips-tools
  • make
  • nano
  • node
  • npm
  • pandoc
  • pigz
  • pnpm
  • postgresql-client
  • princexml
  • python3-dev
  • python3-pip
  • python3-setuptools
  • rsync
  • sqlite3
  • swig
  • typescript
  • unzip
  • vim
  • webpack
  • wget
  • yarn
  • zip


  • bun
  • curl
  • ffmpeg
  • g++
  • gcc
  • gettext
  • ghostscript
  • git
  • gnupg2
  • imagemagick
  • jq
  • libvips-dev
  • libvips-tools
  • make
  • nano
  • node
  • npm
  • pandoc
  • pigz
  • pnpm
  • postgresql-client
  • postgresql-client-12
  • postgresql-client-13
  • postgresql-client-14
  • princexml
  • python3-dev
  • python3-pip
  • python3-setuptools
  • rsync
  • sqlite3
  • swig
  • typescript
  • unzip
  • vim
  • webpack
  • wget
  • yarn
  • zip