Render CLI

The Render CLI is in alpha. It is not currently covered by official Render support channels.

The Render CLI enables you to perform certain Render platform actions manually from the command line, or to incorporate those actions into your CI/CD pipeline:

render services show --id srv-cjhq…

  autoDeploy: "yes",
  branch: "main",
  createdAt: "2023-08-21T17:40:45.830634Z",
  id: "srv-cjhq…",

The CLI uses Render’s public REST API for all actions, which means you can also replicate its functionality in your own scripts or applications by using the API directly.


Homebrew (MacOS, Linux)

You can install the Render CLI on MacOS and Linux via Homebrew:

brew tap render-oss/render
brew install render

After installation completes, run render in your shell to confirm.

Direct download

Visit the CLI’s GitHub releases page and download the corresponding executable for your platform:

  • x86_64 Linux: render-linux-x86_64
  • x86_64 Windows: render-windows-x86_64.exe
  • x86_64 macOS: render-macos-x86_64
  • ARM macOS: render-macos-aarch64

If you use a different platform, you can build the CLI from source.

On Unix-like platforms, we recommend creating a ~/bin directory for your user’s own executables and adding it to your PATH. Additionally:

  • Make sure to chmod +x the downloaded file.
  • We recommend renaming the executable something shorter than the artifact names we use on GitHub. In packaged releases, we rename the files to render or render.exe, depending on platform.

Building from source

We recommend building the CLI from source only if none of the above methods works for you.

The Render CLI is written in Deno, which includes execution targets for some operating systems that aren’t supported by the Deno compiler (such as ARM Linux). Walk through the steps below to build the CLI for your system.

  1. Install deno. If you use asdf, we ship a .tool-versions file that you can use with asdf install to get going immediately.
  2. Clone the CLI repo with git clone
  3. Run make deps to download our application dependencies.
  4. Run deno task run to ensure that everything installed correctly.
    • This command is the equivalent of the render command for a compiled version of the application.
  5. Your Deno build might have a compatible compiler for your local system, in which case deno compile will emit an executable that works locally. Check the Makefile for syntax. If deno compile does not work, consider a shim script or a shell alias to give yourself a render command.
  6. Later, to update, perform a git pull in your clone of the CLI repository.

Getting started

After you install the Render CLI, run render config init to provide it an API key from your Account Settings page in the Render Dashboard. Then, you can run render commands for an alphabetized list of available commands.

All commands support the --help switch to help you get started. If something is unclear or incorrect in the help sections, please file a GitHub issue with details.