Service Metrics

Visualize your app's compute and network usage.

Visualize your service’s recent compute and network usage from its Metrics page in the Render Dashboard:

CPU usage graph in the Render Dashboard

This page displays graphs for:

Use these metrics in combination with your service’s logs to help diagnose issues as they arise.

Individuals can view service metrics for the past 7 days.

Teams can view service metrics for the past 14 or 30 days, depending on their plan.

Memory, CPU, and disk usage

Your service’s Metrics page shows graphs for memory, CPU, and disk usage in the Application Metrics section:

RAM usage graph in the Render Dashboard

The disk usage graph is shown only for services with an attached persistent disk.

Use the controls at the top of the section to customize these graphs:

  • If you’ve scaled your service, you can view metrics for all its instances, or for any subset.
  • When viewing metric values for multiple instances, you can aggregate those values into a single value.
    • The aggregate value can use the minimum, maximum, or average value across your selected instances.
  • You can view each metric as its actual value (such as 500 MB of memory), or as a percentage of the maximum allowed value for your service’s instance type.

HTTP request metrics

Certain features of HTTP request metrics require a team account.

Your web service’s Metrics page shows graphs for HTTP request volume and response latency in the Network Metrics section.

Note that these graphs show metrics only for requests from the public internet—they don’t include requests over your private network.

Request volume

The Total Requests graph shows your web service’s HTTP request volume over your selected time range:

Total network requests graph in the Render Dashboard

Use the controls at the top of the section to customize this graph:

  • You can filter the graph to include only requests that returned a particular HTTP status code.
  • You can group each bar in the graph by the HTTP status code returned for those requests.
    • Both of these controls can help you identify time periods that had a high error rate.

Teams can perform additional customizations:

  • Teams can filter the graph to include only requests that were sent to a particular host (i.e., domain) or path.
  • Teams can group each bar in the graph by which host each request was sent to.

Response latency

Response latency metrics require a team account.

The Response Times graph shows your web service’s response latency for common helpful percentiles (p50, p75, p90, and p99):

Graph of response times by percentile in the Render Dashboard

Click the Percentile dropdown to display only a specific percentile.

Outbound bandwidth

The Metrics page shows recent outbound bandwidth for a web service or static site in the Network Metrics section:

Outbound bandwidth graph in the Render Dashboard

You can customize this graph’s time range, but it doesn’t support any other filters. The resolution of this graph is fixed at one data point per hour.