
Receive updates about service events via Slack and/or email.

Render can notify you via email and/or Slack when certain events occur (such as when your service’s deploy fails). You can set account-level defaults for notifications, and you can also customize notifications for individual services.

Supported notifications

Render can notify you of the following events, depending on which notification level you set (Only failure notifications or All notifications):

EventMinimum Notification Level

A service build or deploy fails.

Only failure notifications

A Docker image pull fails.

Only failure notifications

A cron job execution fails.

Only failure notifications

A one-off job execution fails.

Only failure notifications

A running service becomes unhealthy.

Only failure notifications

A deploy successfully goes live.

All notifications

An unhealthy service becomes healthy.

All notifications

To request notification support for additional events, please submit a feature request.

Setting account defaults

In the Render Dashboard, go to your Account Settings or Team Settings page and scroll down to the Notifications section:

Notifications settings in the Render Dashboard

From here, you can configure the following:


Default Service Notifications

Specifies which supported notifications Render sends for your services. Options include:

  • Only failure notifications. Render sends notifications only for failures (includes failed deploys, cron jobs, and running services).
  • All notifications. Render sends all supported notifications, including for successful deploys.
  • None. Render does not send any notifications.

Preview Environment Notifications

If Enabled, Render sends the same set of notifications for a service preview or preview environment that it does for the preview’s base service.

Notification Destination

Receive notifications via Email, Slack, or both.

To receive via Slack, you must first connect your Slack workspace.

Connecting to Slack

In the Render Dashboard, go to your Account Settings or Team Settings page and scroll down to the bottom of the Notifications section:

Connecting Slack in the Render Dashboard

Click Connect Slack and proceed through the authorization flow to connect your workspace.

Customizing per service

You can customize notification settings for an individual service. Doing so overrides your account’s default notification settings for the service.

In the Render Dashboard, go to your service’s Settings page and scroll down to Notifications:

Overriding notification settings for an individual service in the Render Dashboard

For any setting, choose a value besides Use account default to customize the service’s notification behavior.

After you customize notification settings for a service, that service appears in the Notifications section of your Account Settings or Team Settings page, under Notification Overrides:

List of services that override notification settings in the Render Dashboard