Troubleshooting PostgreSQL Performance

You might observe performance issues with your database as it grows in size, query complexity, and connection count. If you do, use these tips to help diagnose and resolve the underlying cause.

Identify long-running queries

Long-running queries can degrade performance by monopolizing shared compute resources and locks required by other operations. Some of these might be “runaway” queries (such as a SELECT * against a very large table without a LIMIT), while others might require more nuanced optimization.

Run the following query on your instance to fetch all of its actively running processes, ordered by age (oldest first):

WITH activity_with_age AS (
        usename AS user,
        application_name AS app_name,
        CASE WHEN state = 'active'
            THEN NOW() - query_start
            ELSE NULL
        END AS query_age,
    FROM pg_stat_activity
    WHERE query != current_query()
SELECT * FROM activity_with_age
    state = 'active'

    -- Uncomment the following condition to hide queries
    -- that started only within the last five minutes.
    -- AND query_age > '5 minutes'::interval
    query_age DESC,

Again, this query shows only active processes. To show all processes, remove the state = 'active' condition. Inactive processes include processes that are awaiting a new command from a user, either inside or outside of a transaction.

The pg_stat_activity view queried above contains several other columns, but here we’re fetching the data that provides the most utility for common troubleshooting scenarios:


The unique process identifier for each running process. This identifier is specific to the PostgreSQL instance and is distinct from the PID of the associated operating system process.

As a last resort, you can terminate a misbehaving query by providing its pid to the following:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(PID_GOES_HERE);

A free-form tag used to identify the source application of a particular client.

  • For clients connecting to the instance directly via a shell, this value is usually the name of the tool (such as psql or pgcli).
  • For application clients, this value is empty by default, but can (and should!) be supplied on the connection string (e.g., postgresql://myuser@my-host:5432/mydb?application_name=myapp).

The current state of the backend process. This value is active when the backend is currently in the process of executing a particular query and idle when the backend is awaiting a new user request.

This value is idle in transaction or idle in transaction (aborted) when the backend is awaiting a user request within an existing transaction context. In the case of idle in transaction (aborted), the transaction encountered an error in a previous query and has been rolled back.


For client backend processes, this is the exact text of the most recent query executed by the process.

  • This is the query that’s currently executing, if any.
  • By default, this value is truncated to 1024 characters (you can extend it by setting track_activity_query_size).
  • This value is empty for background processes.

This alias contains the age of the active query, instead of the age of its associated transaction or process.

We report the age of any active query, but not the time since an idle query started. This partitions the output into active and inactive sections, which is helpful because long-running active queries are more likely to be of interest when querying this view.

wait_event_type and wait_event

For an active backend, the wait event type indicates whether query processing is blocked on some type of event. The specific event is unique to the specified wait event type (such as reading from disk or waiting on a lock).

Example output

The following example output lists client backend processes where state = active (query strings are omitted for brevity):

+ Show example output
  pid  | app_name |       state         |      query      |          query_start          |    query_age    | wait_event_type |   wait_event
 34067 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:37.913643-08 | 00:00:06.951026 | Lock            | transactionid
 34087 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:41.017026-08 | 00:00:03.847643 | Lock            | transactionid
 34083 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:42.057243-08 | 00:00:02.807426 | Lock            | transactionid
 34081 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:42.087726-08 | 00:00:02.776943 | Lock            | transactionid
 34095 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.112994-08 | 00:00:01.751675 | Lock            | transactionid
 34102 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.199889-08 | 00:00:01.664780 | Lock            | transactionid
 33998 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.648030-08 | 00:00:01.216639 | Lock            | transactionid
 34103 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.676188-08 | 00:00:01.188481 | Lock            | transactionid
 34104 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.739067-08 | 00:00:01.125602 | Lock            | transactionid
 34105 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.758841-08 | 00:00:01.105828 | Lock            | transactionid
 34106 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:43.794574-08 | 00:00:01.070095 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 34059 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:57:44.369805-08 | 00:00:00.494864 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 32902 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.238136-08 | 00:00:00.378974 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33104 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.252764-08 | 00:00:00.364346 | IO              | DataFileRead
 33254 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.339483-08 | 00:00:00.277627 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33101 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.404558-08 | 00:00:00.212552 | LWLock          | BufferMapping
 33407 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.554408-08 | 00:00:00.062702 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33406 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.554408-08 | 00:00:00.062702 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33233 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:42.582867-08 | 00:00:00.034318 | IPC             | BufferIO
 33409 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.612342-08 | 00:00:00.004768 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33393 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.612342-08 | 00:00:00.004768 | [NULL]          | [NULL]
 33043 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:41.621739-08 | 00:00:00.000475 | Client          | ClientRead
 33412 | sample   | active              | ... omitted ... | 2024-02-23 14:52:43.617272-08 | 00:00:00.000162 | [NULL]          | [NULL]

Out of the 23 listed clients:

  • 9 are currently processing on the CPU (wait_event_type is NULL).
  • 11 are waiting for a lock.
  • 2 are waiting on the buffer manager paging in data to shared_buffers.
  • 1 is feeding data back to the client.

An active query with a specified wait_event_type might be in one of several states, most commonly:

  • Client, indicating that the query is expecting data to be read from or written to the client connection
  • IO, indicating a blocking access to disk
  • IPC, indicating communication between parallel processes
  • Lock or LWLock, indicating that a table or row lock required by this query is currently held

Identify active queries that are blocking other queries

Concurrent queries running on the same tables or rows can sometimes cause lock contention. If your queries are taking longer than expected to complete, run the following to fetch all queries that are currently blocked on another query:

SELECT AS blocking_pid,
    blocker.query AS blocking_query,
    blocker.usename AS blocking_user,
    blocker.application_name AS blocking_app_name, AS blocked_pid,
    blocked.query AS blocked_query,
    blocked.usename AS blocked_user,
    blocked.application_name AS blocked_app_name
FROM pg_stat_activity AS blocked
JOIN pg_stat_activity AS blocker ON = ANY(pg_blocking_pids(
    blocker.query_start DESC;

Example output

The following example output lists three currently blocked queries (query strings are omitted for brevity):

 blocking_pid | blocking_query | blocking_user   | blocking_app_name | blocked_pid | blocked_query | blocked_user | blocked_app_name
 311124       | ...omitted...  | | psql              | 313674      | ...omitted... | postgres     | sample
 311124       | ...omitted...  | | psql              | 344684      | ...omitted... | postgres     | sample
 313674       | ...omitted...  | postgres        | sample            | 344684      | ...omitted... | postgres     | sample

For each row, the blocking_ columns show details about a query that’s currently holding a lock, and the blocked_ columns show details about a query that’s waiting on that lock.

In this result set, a query issued by from a psql shell is blocking two queries running from an app called sample. Additionally, one of the blocked queries running from sample is blocking the other, forming a queue.

If you notice that one particular backend process is blocking many others, you can terminate it with pg_terminate_backend as shown here. We recommend using this strategy only in emergencies.

Case studies

To see how these queries can be used in a real debugging scenario, read our case studies. We’ll be adding to this list over time: