Team Features

Render helps teams of all sizes collaborate on their shared apps and infrastructure. Team plans also include powerful operational features, such as service autoscaling and high availability PostgreSQL.

For a full comparison of plan types, see the pricing page.

These platform features are specific to team plans:

ProjectsOrganize your services by their associated application and environment (such as prod or staging). Plus, set environment-level config and access controls.
AutoscalingAutomatically scale services up and down according to their memory and CPU load.
HTTP request logsAutomatically log details for every HTTP request to your web services from the public internet.
Response latency metricsTrack your web service’s response times with common helpful percentiles (p50, p75, p90, and p99).
Preview environmentsSpin up an ephemeral copy of your entire production environment for safe and comprehensive integration testing.
Performance build pipelineRun builds and other pre-deploy tasks with significantly more memory and CPU.
PostgreSQL point-in-time recoveryIn the event of unexpected data loss, restore your PostgreSQL database to a previous state from within the last seven days.
High availability PostgreSQLRun a standby instance of your PostgreSQL database and fail over to it if your primary instance encounters an issue.
Log stream overridesCustomize log stream behavior for individual services.

All teams also receive:

  • Increased monthly allotments of pipeline minutes and bandwidth usage
  • Increased retention of past builds for rollbacks
  • Increased retention of historical service metrics

Teams on an Organization or Enterprise plan receive compliance guarantees (such as SOC 2) and other benefits like audit logs and uptime/support SLAs. For details, see the pricing page.

Managing your team

See the following articles: